As I wrote last Friday, I had ordered myself a TOTO SW844 “Washlet”,from the good folks at National Builder Supply, and was anxiously awaiting its arrival. Well the fated day came on Tuesday and my friend, Mike, came over Wednesday to install it.
I have written about Washlets several times but had never experienced one nor really had much of an idea about the total experience from box to butt so to speak. But now having had the opportunity to test drive this marvelous device, several times, I can report, in detail, about how it installed, how it works and how great it is.
It came well packed, no chance of damage and because it is an international product both in manufacture and distribution it had installation and operating instructions in several languages. Enough languages that the first words out of Mike’s mouth had something to do with ”how the hell do I install this thing with instructions in every language but English?” It’s not that there were no instructions in English but that I had removed them and taken them into the den to read them. Being the typical guy who is famous (as I’ve have mentioned before) for a great deal of drama when it comes to DIY projects I really didn’t expect him to read the instructions anyway. Well after a few choice well placed words to me about the destiny of my soul for having hidden his directions, he ventured forth to tutor himself. On the surface I would admit that it appeared to be a daunting task and he complained that his wife should just get comfortable because this one was going to take all afternoon. Needless to say other than needing a short extension cord to connect it to electricity the job was done easily and within 30 minutes including a very detailed testing procedure sans butt. All operations were a “GO” for lift off and I was ready for my first experience.
I will spare you the details of bodily functions but suffice it to say I had stored up enough bodily elements to give it a great test. To start with let me explain some of the Washlet’s functions.
1. It warms the seat to a temperature of your desire and has an energy savings function on all it’s electrical functions allowing for timed or complete shut off of all these options.
2. It warms the washing water to your desired temperature and has a hot water tank reservoir which keeps a supply on hand so there is no warm up factor or blast of sobering cold water to your more delicate body areas. This too can be turned off or set on a schedule. Because my body doesn’t work on a schedule I turned this function off opting to go “commando” with cold water after experiencing the warm water cycle.
3. The wash functions consists of wands that appear from, seemingly, no where that then oscillates in a circular motion providing cleansing for both front and rear areas. NOW THAT IS A REAL EXPERIENCE!!
4. Once you have been thoroughly washed a touch of another button provides warm air to dry you thoroughly. Both the wash and dry functions are controlled by a remote control box which starts and stops everything at your demand with a touch of a button with no surprises as to when the water or air will come on or go off. The remote control is an option that came on the model that I bought. The base model has the same controls that are just mounted on the device itself down the side and would have been a tight fit for my bathroom and for some folks probably difficult to reach and read which button you are pushing.
5. Lastly when all is done and you stand up the device closes itself softly so there are no surprises for anyone sitting down on it without looking first. Fortunately for me I have no female sharing my life or my bathroom other than Mike’s wife of 45 years, Dianne, who wisely ALWAYS uses the guest bathroom when she visits.
In summation I have to say I could not be more pleased. The installation was quick and basically painless (Mike didn’t hurt himself this time), the use is a pleasant and needed experience for me at this stage of my life and disability and I am of record as saying that the only improvement that I believe TOTO could make on the Washlet was to add an MP3 player, a DVD/CD player and offer an optional flat panel TV to go on the wall in front of you so that life would be complete and I wouldn’t have to leave the bathroom at all except an for occasional snack. HMMMM… maybe a microwave and small refrigerator to go with it also? The list goes on…ARE Y’ALL LISTENING TOTO??
I have written about Washlets several times but had never experienced one nor really had much of an idea about the total experience from box to butt so to speak. But now having had the opportunity to test drive this marvelous device, several times, I can report, in detail, about how it installed, how it works and how great it is.
It came well packed, no chance of damage and because it is an international product both in manufacture and distribution it had installation and operating instructions in several languages. Enough languages that the first words out of Mike’s mouth had something to do with ”how the hell do I install this thing with instructions in every language but English?” It’s not that there were no instructions in English but that I had removed them and taken them into the den to read them. Being the typical guy who is famous (as I’ve have mentioned before) for a great deal of drama when it comes to DIY projects I really didn’t expect him to read the instructions anyway. Well after a few choice well placed words to me about the destiny of my soul for having hidden his directions, he ventured forth to tutor himself. On the surface I would admit that it appeared to be a daunting task and he complained that his wife should just get comfortable because this one was going to take all afternoon. Needless to say other than needing a short extension cord to connect it to electricity the job was done easily and within 30 minutes including a very detailed testing procedure sans butt. All operations were a “GO” for lift off and I was ready for my first experience.
I will spare you the details of bodily functions but suffice it to say I had stored up enough bodily elements to give it a great test. To start with let me explain some of the Washlet’s functions.
1. It warms the seat to a temperature of your desire and has an energy savings function on all it’s electrical functions allowing for timed or complete shut off of all these options.
2. It warms the washing water to your desired temperature and has a hot water tank reservoir which keeps a supply on hand so there is no warm up factor or blast of sobering cold water to your more delicate body areas. This too can be turned off or set on a schedule. Because my body doesn’t work on a schedule I turned this function off opting to go “commando” with cold water after experiencing the warm water cycle.
3. The wash functions consists of wands that appear from, seemingly, no where that then oscillates in a circular motion providing cleansing for both front and rear areas. NOW THAT IS A REAL EXPERIENCE!!
4. Once you have been thoroughly washed a touch of another button provides warm air to dry you thoroughly. Both the wash and dry functions are controlled by a remote control box which starts and stops everything at your demand with a touch of a button with no surprises as to when the water or air will come on or go off. The remote control is an option that came on the model that I bought. The base model has the same controls that are just mounted on the device itself down the side and would have been a tight fit for my bathroom and for some folks probably difficult to reach and read which button you are pushing.
5. Lastly when all is done and you stand up the device closes itself softly so there are no surprises for anyone sitting down on it without looking first. Fortunately for me I have no female sharing my life or my bathroom other than Mike’s wife of 45 years, Dianne, who wisely ALWAYS uses the guest bathroom when she visits.
In summation I have to say I could not be more pleased. The installation was quick and basically painless (Mike didn’t hurt himself this time), the use is a pleasant and needed experience for me at this stage of my life and disability and I am of record as saying that the only improvement that I believe TOTO could make on the Washlet was to add an MP3 player, a DVD/CD player and offer an optional flat panel TV to go on the wall in front of you so that life would be complete and I wouldn’t have to leave the bathroom at all except an for occasional snack. HMMMM… maybe a microwave and small refrigerator to go with it also? The list goes on…ARE Y’ALL LISTENING TOTO??
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