Last week I ran across a thread on one of the many forums that I follow daily regarding the Toto Washlet and an innovative idea for its use. I have been aware of the product for quite a while and even did a brief blog on the Washlet at Christmas time when Marcus was running a special on them as the ideal Christmas present. My opinion was at that time that it was a great item but truly a luxury that most of us just can’t afford. For those of you that aren’t familiar with the Washlet it is simply a replacement toilet seat that actually converts your standard toilet to a bidet type system. Bidets are standard equipment in most bathrooms in Europe and better developed countries worldwide but for some reason have not ever caught on here in America. Like a bidet the Washet literally sprays water in a strong directional or in an oscilating pattern to wash your rear or front after toilet use while you continue to sit. This accomplishes 2 major things, a cleaner more sanitary situation for your health and personal cleanliness and cuts down the need for vast amounts of toilet paper which is better for our environment and your septic system if you use a septic tank. Some of the Washlet units heat the seats as well as performing the washing function and as with all Toto toilets have soft closing automatic lids adding to the comfort and luxury.
The thread that I mentioned was for a person who’s elderly mother had just been placed in a nursing home and she was seeking some Washlet info so that she could possibly have one installed for her mother’s use. Having the Washlet would of course assure her mother’s sanitary needs but could also be considered as a practical way to reduce the need for assistance from nursing home staff. The more I thought of this concept the better idea I think it is and feel that it is something that would be advantageous to any hospital or nursing facility and would also be a great benefit in the home for the elderly and disabled folks such as myself. Many older folks find it hard to keep themselves clean and I afraid that with the lack of staffing and time they have the more the potential of not having their cleanliness needs met. The danger of this lack of care can lead to some major infections and discomfort. Before the thread was complete postings began to agree that it was a great idea and certainly has had me thinking more about acquiring one for myself. They are easily installed with the only complication coming from the need for a power supply nearby to supply the needed electricity.
In conclusion I think it’s time to stop thinking of the Washlet as frivolous luxury and more towards it being a necessity for the home where you have older or disabled folks, children and where you are conscious of the effect we all are having in the environment.
A full line of the Toto Washlets are available from National Builder Supply at costs from $435 to $1131. Use the link below for further info.
The thread that I mentioned was for a person who’s elderly mother had just been placed in a nursing home and she was seeking some Washlet info so that she could possibly have one installed for her mother’s use. Having the Washlet would of course assure her mother’s sanitary needs but could also be considered as a practical way to reduce the need for assistance from nursing home staff. The more I thought of this concept the better idea I think it is and feel that it is something that would be advantageous to any hospital or nursing facility and would also be a great benefit in the home for the elderly and disabled folks such as myself. Many older folks find it hard to keep themselves clean and I afraid that with the lack of staffing and time they have the more the potential of not having their cleanliness needs met. The danger of this lack of care can lead to some major infections and discomfort. Before the thread was complete postings began to agree that it was a great idea and certainly has had me thinking more about acquiring one for myself. They are easily installed with the only complication coming from the need for a power supply nearby to supply the needed electricity.
In conclusion I think it’s time to stop thinking of the Washlet as frivolous luxury and more towards it being a necessity for the home where you have older or disabled folks, children and where you are conscious of the effect we all are having in the environment.
A full line of the Toto Washlets are available from National Builder Supply at costs from $435 to $1131. Use the link below for further info.
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