Friday, November 28, 2008

TOTO’s Stance on Ecology --- “Turning Waste into Solutions”

TOTO’s products are used by individuals every day. From this alone we see that their environmental impact accumulates day by day, for better or for worse. One of TOTO’s missions is the development of environmentally friendly products that turn waste into solutions. To develop products that afford users the maximum in comfort and convenience every day, while protecting the environment without even realizing it, TOTO instituted the TOTO Eco-Product Certification System in 1998. TOTO develops its products on the basis of strict environmental life cycle assessments (LCAs) that measure CO2 emissions at every product stage, from planning and design to manufacturing, delivery, and use. Products that clear these standards are designated TOTO Eco-Products. In fiscal 2004, 97% of the new products we launched were TOTO Eco-Products. TOTO is committed to maintaining this figure at the high level of 90% or greater.
While providing the ultimate in convenience, users protect the environment without even noticing it.
One of TOTO’s missions is producing environmentally friendly products. Toto is the worldwide innovator in low flush toilets, low use faucets and shower heads and now in electronically controlled kitchen and bathroom faucets. These faucets automatically come own when they sense your hands under the faucet opening and remain on for a fixed amount of time to save water through measured useage and are primarily used in public restrooms and commercial locations but could easily be applied to the kids bathroom in your home or the work sink in your kitchen.
This is a green way to follow when you choose your next future faucet for your home!
Electrical faucets? Isnt there a chance of me being shocked or electrocuted? I thought that sort of thing wasn’t allowed in bathroom and kitchen areas. Have you ever wondered where does the electricity come from that makes your land line or connected phone ring? You may already have figured out that it comes from the telephone company some how. Its actually low voltage power carried on the same line as the phone signal. This power is produced by a power source from the central office that actually carries the voice along the line and is backed up by batteries. Ever had a power failure because of a storm or local event and notice that the phone still works? That’s the battery backup working, so your phone may work for an additional 24 hours on batteries from the phone company, that is if the lines haven’t been damaged in the storm. Toto thought in the same manner for their sensor-equipped faucets that keep your hands clean and are more green than any other faucets, because they simply shut the water off when nothing is under them. So Toto invented a self-powered faucet. Self-powered is a little exaggerated, because this electric faucet’s sensor is powered by the electricity produced by a small turbine, located inside. So, going backwards on the chain of events: the water plant has turbines that make pressure to the water, the pressure (or tension) is passed along the pipes, and at the other end the pressure is transformed into electrical voltage (or tension) that powers the faucet’s electronic sensor and opens/closes the switch. So literally the low voltage power is produced from the original thrust or power from the water pumping station . So like the phone company uses the power that drives the phone signal to the phone to make it ring the inertial power from the water pressure creates the power to drive the faucet. Completely safe, totally green and prevents faucets being on for too long or left on inadvertently.
Now, there’s also a battery in the miracle faucet, that stores the electricity produced by the small turbine. Eco Power replenishes its charge with as few as 5 uses per day, and with as few as 10 uses a day, the backup battery itself is seldom used and can last up to 19 years.
Visit the National Builder Supply website today to see how you can buy these faucets for 50% of the retail price, or call one of their friendly customer service folks @ 866 746-7469.

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