Thursday, December 3, 2009

Old Ideas.... but GREEN

The other day I wrote a blog about “What’s Old is New Again” discussing trends in kitchen décor and appliances that harken back to the 1950’s. Since then I ran across a great article on HomeAOL entitled "7 Lost Household Arts" by BRIAN CLARK HOWARD , to view the entire article and great pics go to:

Here with full credit to Mr. Howard and Hearst Publications, are some of the ideas of yesteryear that were common place that we have all forgotten either accidently or on purpose.
“They're not called 'the greatest generation' for nothing. A fun fact about going green: Much of it isn't new. Many of the eco-tips people are 'discovering' are things our grandparents did every day. Here are our favorite 'lost arts' from our collective memory banks.
1. Line Dry Your Sheets and Towels: Indulge yourself by sleeping each night on pillowcases and sheets freshened by sun and breeze, both of which naturally disinfect and lift stains. You'll also save energy, since automatic dryers use 6% of household electricity.
2. Get a Rain Barrel: Buy a fab-looking rain barrel from a garden store, such as a space-saving model that 'pops up,' or simply use something old. You'll reduce the amount of storm water that runs off your property and into overburdened sewers, causing erosion and spreading pesticides, oil and other toxins. Use the water for plants and save on your water bills.
3. Reinvent the Root Cellar: You don't have to live with a dirt-floor cellar to take advantage of stocking up on fresh vegetables and fruits during harvest (when prices are cheap). All you need is a cool, dark place that won't freeze; it could be under a stairwell, or in a corner of a basement, garage or shed. Pack clean, dry produce -- such as carrots, beets, potatoes and winter squash -- in boxes surrounded by sawdust, sand or straw. You want good air circulation and relatively high humidity (earthen floors work well, or put out trays of water or damp cloths). Remove spoiled items immediately and keep apples separate, since they promote ripening.
4. Supplement Your Heat with a Wood Pellet Stove: Pellet stoves are vastly more efficient than traditional fireplaces or woodstoves, and produce very little smoke and ash. They are easy to install in many settings, and don't require a masonry chimney. They use a little electricity (to run fans and controls), and slowly burn wood pellets that are made out of recycled, compressed sawdust that would otherwise be thrown out by mills.
5. Rediscover Borax and Baking Soda: People have been cleaning and bathing with mild, naturally occurring baking soda since ancient Egypt. It is great for scouring and deodorizing many surfaces, from tile to toys and hands. Borax is an element that forms crystals in arid regions. It makes a good cleaning agent, disinfectant, mold killer and stain remover, from the laundry room to the bathroom. Both substances are cheap and readily available.
6. Repel Moths with Aromatic Herbs: To protect your fabrics, use cedar shavings and blocks or cheesecloth bags filled with cloves, rosemary, eucalyptus, lavender, cinnamon sticks, bay leaves or other herbs. Your favorite sweaters, not to mention your drawers and closets, will smell fresh and clean. You'll avoid mothballs, which contain a pesticide the EPA links to cataracts, liver and neurological damage.
7. Use Vintage Dish Towels: Avoid paper towels, and have fun finding and collecting vintage and funky dish towels from garage and estate sales, auctions and online. You can even get different sets for the seasons and holidays. You'll add a splash of color (and a conversation piece) to your kitchen and table.”
I hope you find some of these ideas helpful. I’m old enough to remember when they were the common place thing to do. Unfortunately I’m old and not becoming new again. AH The Good Ole Days.

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