Handicap toilets or ADA toilets refer to the toilets made complying with the guidelines as laid out in the Americans Disabilities Act. There are two configuration of toilet designs in the world that are considered standard. The one is small and called round and the other is large, known as elongated but height is the main of difference and if you have never used one or more importantly been in a physical condition where you needed assistance in sitting on or standing up from the toilet.
Most toilets range from 14 to 16 inches high (floor to seat height) with some of the new contemporary designs being even lower. The ADA required height for toilets is between 16.5 and 18 inches and here in lies the gist of my reasoning for this article. Until you are in need of assistance because of a disability or a temporary infirmity you will never realize how important that extra 2” is in both safety but comfort. I have mentioned briefly before here on this blog that I am retired and disabled due to Parkinsons. I, frankly went through life ignoring the blue Handicap signs on parking spaces other than jealousy and paid no attention at all to the fact that there were bathroom stalls specifically labeled for the handicapped and certainly had paid no attention to what amenities they afforded. NOW I GET IT!!! I have to have a handicap parking permit to be able to do even the simplest shopping or to be mobile because walking more than a few feet unassisted is difficult and sometimes makes the difference as to whether I can be independent or have to depend on someone else. Taking care of the “call of nature” is just as difficult with out a higher toilet and some form of grab bars for assistance and again and more importantly means to me INDEPENDENCE or one less thing I have to depend on someone else for.
Why begin this discussion today? Because I just had to move from living with one of my children and having someone around to help if I needed it , to a small place where I could live alone for the last of my days with some freedom and low and behold my simple little bathroom has the most wonderful feature that I have experienced in a private home….a ADA HEIGHT TOILET! Foe 60 years I never paid a moments notice to toilet height nor did any of my friends or family if it can be judged by all of the discussion this one has caused. Even my youngest hale and hearty visitors have not only noticed it but you would think I had just gotten indoor plumbing!
In summation you don’t have to be disabled to have need for or simply enjoy having a toilet at a more comfortable and convenient height. These toilets are commonly available and do not bear an unreasonable cost escalation over a normal toilet and even “high style/premium” brands such as TOTO offer versions to satisfy your esthetic need for style.
To find out how simply you can upgrade your own home and have this important option before your perceived ”need” for it, contact one of the friendly customer service reps at National Builder Supply at 866 746 7469 or check out our website
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